Sunday, July 01, 2007

Happy Birthday Joseph

I know this post is coming a day late but.....HAPPY Birthday,Bugzie!!! I cannot believe that one year ago our lives were sooo greatly enriched by this beautiful life God has blessed us with!! I rem. that day just like it was yesterday...waking up so was "baby Day"...going to the Hospital, waiting...and then we were told that we could see him...I rem. the first time I laid eyes on him, he was PERFECT. Then there was that first horrible shot..OH yes...Jeanne crying on one side..Sarah crying on the other. Phone calls being made to family members, Eric video taping, sarah taping, me taping and taking pictures (which by the way, it's a wonder Joseph even has his eyesight, all he saw for three days were flashes of the camera)Anyhow, It was one of the best days in my life! He has brought soo much joy to our family!!! I love that little guy SOO much...He is just the cutest nephew in the WHOLE WIDE world!!! JZ, Aunt Lizzie loves and misses you more than you will ever know!! I hope you had a wonderful birthday! I love you widdle guy!


Jeanne said...

Oh, yes, I remember that day just like it was yesterday. What a sweet little boy...