Hello my fellow bloggers!!! Wow it has been a while since I last posted!! I'm so sorry Hannah, but we don't have internet at our new house yet..and I've been kinda busy with work...yep that's what I've been up to lately...Work,sleep,work some more, go into the hospital,sleep,work some more! that's my life people!! So let me explaine...last fri I was going home so I could help my mom pack and on my way home I had a little pain in my lower abdomen, being me I just blew it off..well, as i got closer to home the pain got SOOOOO incredibly bad, so I thought I better call mom and let her know what is going on, so I call her and I am in so much pain..well by then I was getting close to my Church and she told me to stop by there and they can call the ambulance (I thought it was my appendix) so I finally make it to Aunt Phyliss' house and I go straight to her couch and lay down..and I just started bawling..It was the worst pain I had ever been in in my WHOLE entire life!!! So she called the ambluance and they finally get there and THEN they start asking me questions..I'm like JUST GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL!!!! I didn't say that but I'm sitting there in so much pain...so they fianally get me on the ambulance and the longest ride of my life!!! and again they are asking me stupid questions and asking me to sign papers and I am just ready to I dont' know what!!! But seriously, I just wanted to get to the hospital..I wanted the good stuff...I WANTED SOME PAIN MEDS!!! So after like 17 hours of riding in this ambulance..well okay maybe 20 or 30 min..we get to the hospital and they take me to my room...and my mom shows up and I am crying and in so much pain...and it seemed like forever for them to get things rollin..my mom was getting upset, my little brother was getting upset..he even went up to the Nurses station and said something (it's something my Dad would have done. Nate is just getting so big) Anyhow, so finally i get some pain medicine which only last about 15 min...my pastor and his wife came to see me and pray for me..well then i had to get a cat scan..and come to find out...KIDNEY STONE! It was so cool though because like after they prayed for me like a half hour later I was fine..I guess the stone had passed from my kidney or my kindney canal or whatever it was...but I was SOOOOO grateful!! We serve such an Awesome God!! SO that's my story...I told mom, if this is was having kids is like..don't expect any grandkids from me!!! I don't tolerate pain very well!! hahahaaa...anyways, I know this blog is REALLY long but I just thought I'de share my hospital experience with yoU:) Anyhow, I want to tell you about my job really quick..it is going so well! I really like and boy do i have some stories there...but another time:) Okay well enjoy you're long weekend!!! Ta Ta!! :)
Man! That was a night. But Thank the Lord for His mercy.He knows just how much we can take. I'm glad that we know Him. Aren't you? I am so glad that you are feeling better now.
I'm glad your back with your funny stories. Keep them coming. I'm glad that you are feeling better.
LOve ya,
Man! That was a night. But Thank the Lord for His mercy.He knows just how much we can take. I'm glad that we know Him. Aren't you? I am so glad that you are feeling better now.
liz we love your stories we want more. We want more
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